No retractable leashes allowed.
Do not Leave your dog unattended!
We reserve the right to refuse aggressive or vicious dogs, regardless of breed. If your dog shows any signs of either after check in, you may be asked to leave. You must be able to maintain control of your dog at all times.
You must use a short leash (4-5 ft) and accompany your dog at all times, Please do not allow your dog to run into a site that is not yours.
You can't always control where they do their thing, but please try to keep them on the road until the dog area and never next to a car, on a car tire, on any plants or bushes, or on a site that is not yours. In short, use the dog area!
Always carry a bag and pick up after your dog. This is an obligation!
If they bark enough to bother your neighbors it is up to you to stop them, even if it requires a muzzle or bark collar.
Dogs are not allowed in the pool area or the restrooms.
The number of dogs allowed per site is two (2)
Outside pet pens or fences are allowed only if you have received pre-approval.
You must never leave your dog unattended outside, whether within a pet fence or on a leash.
There is a dog wash located behind the back laundry for your use.